Call for Papers

ICIPCA focuses on the field of image processing and computer applications, and is now open to solicit papers from all over the world. Welcome scholars and business engineers from all over the world to contribute actively to share your academic achievements and industry knowledge. Article topics include but are not limited to:

  • Topic 1
  • Topic 2
Topic 1: Image Processing
  • Image Processing for Geophysics
    Image Processing for Public Health and Safety
    Biomedical and Biological Image Processing
    Digital Watermarking Technology
    2D/3D Scene Parsing
    Image and Video Processing
    Human–Computer Interaction and Visualization
    Stereoscopic, Multi-view, and 3D Processing
    Image Storage and Security Management
    Disaster Detection
    Ultrasound Image Processing Technology
    Medical Image Analysis
    Texture Image Representation and Classification
    Image Restoration and Enhancement
    Filtering and Multi-resolution Processing
    Interpolation, Super-resolution, and Mosaicing
    Compression, Coding, and Transmission
    Motion Estimation, Registration, and Fusion
    Detection, Recognition, Retrieval, and Classification
    Biometrics, Forensics, and Security
    Image Coding Compression
    Image Transformation
    3D Reconstruction
    2D/3D Object Detection
    Machine Learning
    Pattern Recognition
    Filter Design, Analysis and Implementation
    Computational Imaging
    Color, Multi-spectral, and Hyper-spectral Imaging
    Document Analysis and Processing
    Deep Learning for Images and Videos
    Learning with Multiple Limited Labels
Topic 2: Computer Applications
  • Automated Systems
    Bio-genetic Computing Systems
    Communications Systems
    Cloud Computing
    Computational Intelligence
    Computational Mathematics
    Electronic Data Systems
    Digital Computing System
    Embedded Control Systems
    Human Computer Interaction
    High Performance Computation
    Information Security Systems
    Information Communication
    Signal Processing Systems
    Open Source Systems
    Software Engineering Systems
    Social Media Systems
    Web Engineering

Looking Forward to Your Submission!
